ODC – An Overview

What is an Offshore Development Center (ODC)?

Key Takeaways and Stats about Offshore Development Center

How Offshore Development Center Works?

Best Candidates for an Offshore Development Center

What is Offshore Development Center

When to Consider an Offshore Development Center?

Need of Talented Professionals

Entry to a new Business Domain

Business Growth with a Limited Budget

Easy Development Process

What are the Benefits of Offshore Development Center?

  • Get facilitated with the expertise and knowledge of professional coders without going through any interview process or hiring stress. You don’t need to have the headache of resource backing out, enjoy the top candidates with advanced capabilities to build high-quality solutions.
  • Working with an offshore development center (ODC) will help you to cut down the costs on higher levels. Your offshore experts will use their own infrastructure, hardware, and software; you don’t need to provide them with anything. Obtaining ODC services based on suitable hiring models is cost-effective to alleviate the overall expenses.   
  • Have you ever heard of Autoscaling? This approach is used in asset distribution occasionally to satisfy operational needs. Scaling up or down the in-house resources can be an intricate and disturbing process, hence, going for an ODC would be a simple and easy procedure for organizations leading to simplified working. 
  • The top benefit of hiring ODC services is the access to expertise and a higher level of proficiency. Engage with professionals who have a deep understanding of specific technologies and tools you require for your project at a lower cost. You just need to keep monitoring them from time to time. 
  • Whenever you need faster development, ODC helps you with extended work hours operating in varied time zones; they can also work off-hours. This will give you more time to review the completed work and provide feedback, leading to faster process and quality work. 
  • Obtaining ODC services helps ventures to boost their global presence at the lowest cost. It helps businesses localize their solutions to make their entry into new business markets possible.      

Difference Between An offshore Development Center and Outsourcing

What is ODC?

How to Set Up an Offshore Development Center- Key Steps

challenges of working with ODC

How do you mitigate the challenges of working with an offshore development center?

Offshore Development Center Team Structure

ODC Team Structure

Different Hiring Models: Offshore Software Development Center 

Product Engineering ODC Model

Build-to-scale ODC Model

Build-operate-transfer (BOT) ODC Model

Top Countries Setup Offshore Development Center

These countries offer a blend of cost savings, skilled professionals, and other strategic advantages, making them an ideal choice for setting up offshore development centers.



Brazil, strategically located and with a skilled workforce and a thriving IT industry, is a strong contender for setting up offshore development centers (ODCs). Let’s delve into why Brazil’s strategic location makes it an ideal option for ODCs:

Key Figures


Key Figures



Mistakes to Avoid While Setting up Your ODC

1. No Clear Objectives and Strategy

2. Poor Selection of Offshore Location

3. Inadequate Due Diligence on Service Providers

4. Neglecting to Establish Clear Communication Channels

5. Underestimating Cultural and Time Zone Differences

6. Overlooking Legal and Compliance Considerations

7. Failure to Define Clear Roles and Responsibilities

Best Practices to Maintain/Manage an Offshore Development Center

How to Choose the Right Company for Offshore Development Center

1. Define Your Requirements Clearly

2. Research Potential Companies

3. Evaluate Expertise and Experience

4. Assess Communication and Project Management

5. Evaluate Infrastructure and Security Measures

6. Consider Cultural Compatibility

7. Conduct Interviews and Due Diligence

8. Check Client References

9. Negotiate Contracts and SLAs

10. Monitor and Manage the ODC

How Developerperhour Can Help You Set Up An ODC? 


Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Offshore Development Center ODC?

An ODC provides businesses the facility to hire remote developers located in a different country for outsourcing a wide range of services such as software development, help desk support, or other IT services.

What is the difference between EDC and ODC?

The prime difference between ODC (offshore development center) and EDC (extended development center) is EDC is only an extension of an original parent company, whereas ODC is a different setup working as a third-party provider.  

What are the benefits of offshore development centers?

Benefits offered by ODC are access to a vast pool of specialized talent, cost-effective and quality solutions, flexibility, scalability, faster time-to-market, and emphasis on basic business operations. 

What are the best practices in offshore development centers?

The best practices applied by ODC are continuous progress updates, smooth communication channels, cultural fit, adherence to all policies, improved project management, and data security approaches.  

How to set up a Dedicated Offshore Development Center?

To set up a dedicated ODC, you need to outline all the specific project needs and scope, choose an offshore location, pick a trustworthy outsourcing partner, assign roles & responsibilities, and monitor the performance daily.   


Developerperhour leading offshore software development company that enable businesses to hire dedicated developers for a wide range of technologies.

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